Thursday 25 December 2008

Cover your iphone??? Why?

should you cover your iphone?
the uger to cover your iphone into some ugly packing,
or rarely, a cover that cant enhance, but alters the perception of the iphone substantially, perhaps better to say that it distorts,
comes from the primitive view of people to protect glass....
i think a smooth surface that serves some purpose becomes fragile by default...
and then our human intellect reflexly wants to prove its dominance over it by wrapping it up....

i believe that those who want to cover their iphone fall into 2 categories....
ignorant.......and insecure.....
we will take the ignorants first....
ignorants are the modernists........they know what is happenning.........and so they say.....a little knowledge is a dangerous thing......
the fear ignorants have is this..........the phone has no buttons........therefore the only mode of communication with the machine.....
therefore......if the screen becomes insensitive to their touch........the machine will will become a paperweight.....and an expensive one........compared to what you can get in the market..... have to ensure that the screen is always sensitive.......
then they deduce that it responds to touch........therefore.....if something rubs against it all the time......the machine will be forced to respond.......and either it will be hung in a life of persistent will get tired and give up..........becoming more and more stubborn with time.......
therefore....cover will be protected against anything touching it all the time........and will give me a life of super touch sensitivity for years and years.......

but thats a misconception......
iphone works on synaptic technology.........unlike the PDAs of billion months ago...........which needed 'pressure' of a tap for the screen to respond...........this screen is built differrently.......
it works on the transfer of electrons from you skin.......those electrons jump from our fingertips and excite the screen...........and so it responds.....
therefore.....if you put it your pocket far as the screen is concerned........nothing is touching it.....even though tightly packed between your papers, pen and keys......
so covering it to prolong its sensitivity is plain ignorance........

now lets go to the insecure ones......
the insecure ones want to protect their phone.........from scratches.......smudges.....spills.....cracks.....sorrow......tears..........and bad girlfriends......
the logic is simple...........cover it......and it will look like new.......for ever and ever........
perhaps its this desire of things for ever and ever that makes us do things in general...... will be like new............but it definately wont look like new............because you cant look at it anyway..........its covered....isnt it?
fact no. 2 years time..........iphone will be 2011........iphone will be the thing of billions and billions of months ago.......
thats the way we do things these days.....
fact no 2..........nothing looks better on a beautiful body than its own skin................most covers are plain ugly........very few are passable if not insulting............but they completely change what the iphone stands for.............
so why cover it............its at its most beautiful when its naked........keep it that way.........and is too short......if its insured......thats as far you can go for protection.........more then that is fact......the only argument i can think of for covering it is when it is all scratched..........

to conclude..........i dont understand why people cover their iphones......
and i want to urge everyone to throw away all their covers and use iphones as they came.

(now that i have calssified humanity of the basis of their attitudes towards the aesthetics of their phones, i might also add that all of the above was just a christmas-day-at-work-so-lets-kill-time way of putting my dying lexicon through the oiling machine.......)

}during the writing of this post-renaissance retro metro essay, my ears provided excellent nourishment to my multithinking brain by the music of Jethro Tull, Michael Schenker, Hans Raj Hans, and some obscure bollywood music.{

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