Friday 28 November 2008

reaching india

my dear are you all......i was perkier than i am now when i sat down to write..........but going through the mail has taken away my you all might feel the drowsiness showing through on occasion.......

for those who didnt know.........i am on a night shift........and there seems to be an hour of inactivity.......
the trip to india was vik and sumit had shitloads of it was awsome........i am sure all of us have good memories form the whole thing......

i was going to write more elaborate letters.......which i will in due course........this one is just to open the conversation.......

there is quite a lot of stress at work these days..........lots of peer pressure........people are making a lot of progress around me.....research and the cutting edge of developments........i feel a bit left i am all geared up to get back to the same level..........i have my appraisal in a i am going to weep and cry over there that i am not getting enough opportunity and all that............and there is a lot of paperwork i am upto my nose with sickness filling out forms and gettint them signed etc..........its so so painful..........part of life......

so anyway.......

the trip to india.......

it was very refreshing.......

i got three weeks leave.......which is a lot in this part of the world.......more than i will ever get that was a good start......

we drove down to london......stayed overnight at rompys place in hounslow.....
and took the flight next india.......
the bleeding taxi cost me 18 pounds.........whcih made me think perhaps it would have been cheaper to drive down to the airport in my own car and park in the long stay parking/ might have come cheaper.......anyhow........not that bad.....

lufthansa flight to frankfurt was 2 hours........initially i was sad at a transit flight..........but then it turned out great........amy got to play about a bit at thew airport..........and we shpoeed some souvenirs........then we went onward to delhi..........the plane was old, the food was rubbish......but the pilot was good........excellent landing.......
i just love the flying and all that........

we reached delhi at midnight or something........giggs was there to get us........the taxi got stuck in we hung around at the airport...........then boarded the taxi and started off for chandigrah......

even before the immigration the igi could smell india.......its a strange smell.........i can actually smell it as i write.........its distinct.......not unpleasant or anything.........neutral smell.........but differrent........i can smell it and tell blindfolded that its india........even in the air con environment of the airport insides........

anyway.........the ride back home in the taxi doing perilous driving was usual.........we talked for a bit........any went to sleep in the back seat.........and we tried to ..........but for me it was a fruitless excercise.........we stopped in one place for tea........indian tea..........and i gave a toss to bisleri water............and had a full glass of indian tea.........proper roadside tea.......boiled to the point of was yum.....
and then carried on.........we reached home at 6 or 7...........amy was still asleep..........and once we reached........all the exhaustion disappeared.........we were fresh again........unlike houses here in uk.......indian houses are open......that was the feeling i got..........i think its because of the jaali ke in a way you feel more earthy.........
lot of hustle helper to do the dishes.....another to clean the house......and 6 of us in the family........

anyway we washed etc and dozed off..........i was good to keep my calm......i didnt call anyone......just thought i will unwind.......and in due time...........give a ring......

now i am sleepy........i will write to you tomorrow what we all met was a fun experience.....

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