Sunday 28 December 2008

enjoy work?

they say there is a recession....
i dont know anythingnaboutit
....i spent royally this christmas.......
electronics.......and it was so much fun......

hdtv first....
here are the rresults of my extensive research
along with the logic i applied.....
you can makew your own opinions....

assumption number 1
the tv i am going to buy is going to last me or at least 4-5 years.......i mightnot want to afford another one.....

therefore........i would like to buy one which as good as it can get for the amount of money i we will try to get one with top specs.....

so i got down to finding out......

now initially they said that in the hdtv industry, the more you pay the more you get....
dont believe it...

if you are going to buy an hdtv today and you want it to last you some time, here are a few things you have to know...

lcd is more expensive than a plasma
lcd is more energy effecient than a plasma
lcd is lighter than a plasma
lcd is better for well lit or sunlit rooms

so these are a few soft pointers
now for some hard ones

if you plan to use your pc with your tv ----only LCD will do
if you are going to watch only sports/fast moving scenes/ gaming ----- plasmas are better

i went for lcd

only buy a 100hz lcd. nothing less
it might be a little expensive, it is an important update you should have

then it just comes down to looks

i went for a 40 inch 100hz lcd tv

the biggest name in the game is sony
they are the ones all experts compared all other tvs to
i didnt find them attractive...... but suppose that if you dont mind the looks and you can afford them, as they are the most expensive too.....go for it ... you cant go wrong....

i didnt and i looked further

all others were pretty much the same.....

toshibas were probably the next best in terms of reviews......
lgs were just about alright.....
samsungs were supposed to be good.........but some ratings were 6.5/10.........and the general impression was tat looks were better than the product delivered......

sharp/phillips and some others were few........and not much choice in the models.......especially in i didnt dig deep into them......

i thought i will go for an mum has got a plasma........and its good.....
but then on reading expert reviews realised that my mums tv had a dead pixel........and thats no my impression fell a bit.........but now i can compare, the remote control was better on the lg then the samsung i eventually bought.....

anyhow..........i didnt like the toshibas........looks are a big thing for me.........much to natashas annoyance........

then i researched and researched.........and found out that a particular model of samsung.......the a cool thing.........some more research......and then i went for it....... 40le656a

very good looking.....
very good results to my humble third-world eyes......
excellent communication with pc.....
switching between source inputs was much easier and faster on the lg of my mums than it is here...........but overall very good.......

its just 2 dont know yet........but i will update.......

and by the way.......if there was anyone who read my previous post and threw away their iphone covers.........i really apologise......

the day after i wrote that wife dropped my iphone and now it had an ugly tiny bump on one corner of the ceramic.........sad.........but everything has to die someday.........then why not the iphone too??

all through the writing of this post i listened to album called Dawn.....probably one of their first......very good

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