Sunday 5 August 2012

What does a speck of dust fear most?

I am the Alpha
i dont recognise anything or anyone else
i am the number one
there is no one wiser than me
i am superman, batman, spiderman all rolled into one
there is no limit to my power
my reach is infinite
i am the homo sapien sapien sapien
i am the x man
i am the next step
i can feel everything
i am godmode
that is who i am, will be, forever.

Kyne's small hands rested on my arm as I hugged him to sleep. I felt him twitch as he descended into REM sleep, slowly. He was crouched under me, like a baby kangaroo, in my pouch. I could feel his heart beat within his chest in my palm. I could feel him breathe, every breath, as he was entering his dreamworld, colourful, full of imaginative funny beings talking baby-talk...
i didnt want to let go.... but i had done my job... he was asleep... it was time to get up and do some mundane task to continue living...
but they are leaving day after tomorrow....

What does a speck of dust fear most?
it fears being a speck of dust
me, the ever strong, the all powerful, the unkillable...
felt like a speck of dust...
all my magnitude...
dissolved into a singularity....
in the embrace of a two-year-old....
David made Goliath...
I am still who i am...
as enormous as i am...
but i am a composition....
the best, most unique song ever,
but made of many notes and pauses....

Heisenberg's Uncertainty is the Principle

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