Monday 23 November 2009

On Uzbeks

Uzbeks came a slight surprise to me......
i thought i was going abroad........
abroad to me emant they do to most people living in the warped reality of the third world.......
so when i came out of the airport at tashkent........and was driven to the hostel..........all i saw on the streets were the uzbeks.....
the plan was for me to stay there for 6 years and finish my medicine.......
the city was good.....clean..........but the uzbeks were almost a disappointment.......just because i wasnt expecting them there.......
and it is so i sit and think in retrospect project your misery on an unsuspecting population......whats even more revolting is that the cause of your own misery might be your own ignorance.......and your inability to read about the people and place before you go there......

something that in my later years highly appreciated the russians to be endowed well read and well aware were the russians of most parts of the world........possibly a result of the communist upbringing and all that........ get back to there i was........taken to the hostel and dumped there.........for a few days........while my admission got sorted......into the language course and all that......

i distinctly remember being given the room 811........small.......with a funny bathroom with a small square 'bathtub'........which was only ankle curtains around it couldnt be a shower........and it stood on high legs above the floor.........unlike a bathtub.......

its nice to go back all these i realise......we lived there for a year.......and nover got down to solving what was the best way to use that bathtub...........there must have been a way.........that you were expected to shower in it......without spilling a drop........and still be comfy..........i mean i hope there must have been a way.......but i was amazingly so preoccupied with the life of the times........that i didnt think i needed to get to the bottom of this mystery..........then i think to me it must have been more like.......this is what i have got..........improvise and go time to pause and enquire into its history and make good use of it.........very military survival approach, i had, i suspect.......

i used to wear a turban then with all the regalia of being a i was easily noticed.....and next will be my experience with uzbek food.....

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