Saturday 30 August 2008


i was quite ugly when i was born.....
i have seen my gran holding me....
my problem was that i was skinny...
skinny babies are always ugly.....
mums brother came to see me.......when i was born.......excited and all.....
but then he went to mom and said i was so ugly that he didnt even feel like picking me up and giving me a cuddle or anything......
but i quickly gained weight.......freaked out on my mums milk and all......
so i was quite rolly polly in a couple of months....
an interesting thing happenned when i was a kid.....
my gran was living with us at that time.....
a son is a prized posession and my mums mother in law..........was always concerned about me........
and she would nag my mum to persistently feed me......
such was the cold war beteeen them, that my mum used to get fed up and not feed me well enought on purpose in retaliation.......
obviously not to the degree to starve me and all.........she loves me to bits.......but there would be occasions when i would cry and she would feed me a little bit because the nagging irritated her......
so i was persistently hungry......
i think that the centre of satiety in my brain never got satisfied.....
and to this day.......i am starved....
no matter how much i eat......i just cant get enough......
oh how boring.........but this was we can go on to what happenned next.....

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