Friday 15 August 2008


maybe i want everybody to listen...
more importantly perhaps.....
i just want to keep my sanity....
life is good today......
i dont want to get used to it......
so i must write......
concieted as i am.......
i will forget everything......
and i will be left with nohting to give....
i cant help feel ashamed at this cheap way of seeking glory....
at this second rate attempt at realising my destiny.....
redemption will come itself.....
i dont like being so apologetic all the time.....
i must write from the beginning......and i must keep writing....
i am an amazing mix of chemicals....
i am refined machine working in multiple dimensions.....
i was created before my creation......
the amazing thing is that this is story of each one of us....
only that we have never seen ourselves this way.....
my mother was in my nannys womb.....
she must have been only 12 weeks old........
feeding off fluids in my nannys womb....
it was the year 1965.....ish....
she was forming her organs........
a process perfected by three and a half million years of evolution....
these molecules........coming together and splitting apart.....
in a sacred dance of creation......
as my mother was being formed......
and because she was a female......she was being implanted with her supply of eggs.....
that was when i was created
or a part of me at least.....
out of a collection of a few million eggs that were gifted....
i was one of those cells......and i lay in that clump....
the millions were reduced to thousands......
and that mix of chemicals called me survived......
and my mum was born.....
that was when i froze......
and then i lay frozen untill my mum turned from a girl to a woman......
there were only 500 eggs left by then......
one of them was me......
and perhaps my sister was there close by.........
or maybe she was in the other ovary....
cant remember clearly now....
and then one day.....
i was asked to leave.....
and then the rest of the eventsare easy to imagine...
if you see enough tv
i met my other half then.......
good timing....
otherwise i would have just been flushed away.....
like the unfortunate 498 eggs that didnt make it....
so thanks to some turn of desire in my parents.....
and to mmy dad for then other half.....
i was whole......
the amazing mix
had come together......
i was ready to implant myself.......
and multiply....
and as far as hinduism goes.....
life in me began the day i was concieved.....
i built myself over nine months....
this is my concieted self reflecting itself......
then i was born....
my mum was 20 ......ish....
in gangtok.....
they say the clouds were inside the house all the time....
at that altitude.....
i have never gone back.....
i must day.....
sikkim had ceded itself to the government of india.....
so mama tells me.....
the hospitals were quite good.....
the bacteria that colonize your gut are the ones you get from the midwife who delivers you.....
she is the first one close to you.....
and she is the one who breathes over you......
and you get your supply of those important bacteria....
who then settle down inside your gut.....
and stay there all your life.....
they digest all your food.....
and......yes........they help you make shit......
sounds shit........crucial nevertheless.....
they also are responsible for your farting tendency....
which i seem to have a lot of......
so this the i have to thank .....
for making those around me suffer.....
only on occasion though......
life is a marvel....
lest i forget....

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