Sunday 2 August 2009


nasa plans to have the next lunar manned mission by 2020
russians plan to do it by 2017
how exciting is that?

these lunar manned missions arent going to be just play around and click pictures to send to earth.....
its the real deal this time.....

this time......we are talking lunar colonies.....

we are going there to stay.....

the international space station will be the transit camp......

and from the lunar base......
the aim is to harvest energy...... helium3 for instance...........for earth......

8 nyears to go.........i will be 40ish......

i hope they will need russian background will be useful......
i hope i make it......

8 years to ensure fitness,......but ti should be fun......

iraq and afghanistan.....their only purpose is to keep the economy running.....

we all know how useful war is.....
how civil companies get military contracts and manufacturing needs at a colossal scale.......

which brings employment.......and the monetry cycle continues to be in circulation.....

in fact.......if i were a world leader and i could convince my population to wage a war.......the best people to wage it on would be some kind of aliens......who you can neither communicate properly with.......nor completely understand.......

therefore you can continue with your war in blissful ignorance.......and it is difficult to challenge the illusions of right and wrong.......

like tarantino films........confuse the audience and get the money.....

so iraq and agstan are good far removed from our reality......that fighting a war with them for them becomes so hopelessly tangled that you want to leave it to your politicians and hope they know what bthey are i wonder.....

but so is life........the unemployment of the post 1st world war depression gave us people who were willig to go towar...........and some opportunist maniacs with powers of pursuation........

but the war was took care of the depression.........and growth after that was phenomenal.......war is so good sometimes.......

i wonder if the dying soldier in foriegn fields these dsays realises all the complexities resulting in his sad demise.........

i think those times are gone when you fought for your king, flag and country......when death came in combat and you embraced and were hailed a hero.......

now you would die confused........i would die confused.......wondering if it was worth it.......i think that the only rationale behind enlisting these days would be the regular it sucks.....

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